Urban’s Most Memorable Gifts

Giving gifts is very common in our society. We wanted to know what people thought about gifts and what were some good or goofy gifts they had received. Here is a collection of what Urban students have received and what they like about these gifts.

“I got my dog for Christmas. She came in a box 14 days before christmas, so she was a bit early. It was spur of the moment. My dad went by a dog shelter and was like “let’s get Imogen a dog”  without asking my mother. Last year my grandfather bought me an encyclopedia type book all about Harry Styles. I don’t even like One Direction, I think he just went into a store and was like ‘what would a 14 year old girl want?”

– Imogen Budetti (‘18)

“I was really into Grey’s Anatomy for a period of time, so my grandma knew that and she got me these big books of human anatomy from the ‘70’s. And they had very detailed pictures in them that weren’t anatomically correct. That was pretty funny.”

– Mia Glickman (‘19)

“The best gift I have received this year were bacon socks. I liked the gesture because it is a wild gift, it’s quite random. Also, it’s bacon on socks, who wouldn’t love it. I also enjoyed the gift that I got in eighth grade, it was a baseball mitt from my dad. I like this because it has value to me now and I use it often at home.” Riley Chan (‘18)