Male students’ fashion at Urban school now reflects teachers’ fashion of the past

An Urban Legend reporter compares the fashion trends between Urban male teachers and Urban male students.

No matter how chilly math teacher Riley Maddox was, you could almost always catch him wearing shorts and tennis shoes. When asked about his high school fashion, Maddox said, “cargo shorts were pretty sweet … my vibe was like, trying to wear shorts as much as possible.” Similarly, Robert Fisher (’18) is seen wearing cargo shorts and tennis shoes regardless of the weather.

Robert Springer- photo taken by Zoe Meneghetti
Robert Springer- photo taken by Zoe Meneghetti
Riley Maddox- photo given by Maddox
Riley Maddox- photo given by Maddox

Having attended Urban as a student less than 15 years ago, English teacher Ben Slater said that he wore “big sweatshirts, T-shirts, blue jeans and usually white sneakers” throughout his time in high school. Much like Slater, Matthew Townsend (’17) also wears big sweatshirts and blue jeans.

Matthew Townsend- photo taken by Zoe Meneghetti
Matthew Townsend- photo taken by Zoe Meneghetti
Ben Slater- photo given by Ben Slater
Ben Slater- photo given by Ben Slater

One of Urban’s most well-known teachers says his style has barely changed in 55 years. History teacher LeRoy Votto said his style was “button-down collared shirts and a sweater.” Much like Votto, Elijah Collins (‘15) also rocks button-down collared shirts and soft sweaters.

LeRoy Votto- photo given by Votto
LeRoy Votto- photo given by Votto
Elijah Collins- photo taken by Zoe Meneghetti
Elijah Collins- photo taken by Zoe Meneghetti